


21st September 2023 12:29:28 Hours

Drugs Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme – Divisional Secretariat, Walallawita

An awareness programme on the "Ill Effects of Addiction to Dangerous Drugs and Prevention" for the Samurdhi Beneficiaries of the Divisional Secretariat area, Walallawita was conducted at the auditorium of the Divisional Secretariat, Walallawita by the Socio Economic and Welfare Coordinating Office for Rehabilitated Beneficiaries, Kalutara on 09.06.2023.

55 Samurdhi Beneficiaries of the Divisional Secretariat area, Walallawita participated at the programme conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Sanjeewa Samaranayake, Coordinating Officer of Socio Economic and Welfare Coordinating Office for Rehabilitated Beneficiaries, Kalutara along with Ms Buddhi Erangika, Outreach Assistant of Kalutara District from National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.