


21st September 2023 12:27:05 Hours

Awareness Programme on the "Ill Effects of Addiction to Dangerous Drugs and Prevention" for the Rural Community, MOH, Nikaveratiya

An awareness programme on the "Ill Effects of Addiction to Dangerous Drugs and Prevention" for the students and parents of the Nikaweratiya area was conducted at the office of the MOH, Nikaveratiya by the Socio Economic and Welfare Coordinating Office for Rehabilitated Beneficiaries, Kurunegala on 09.06.2023.

Mrs Udaya Kumari and Mrs WBS Bandara, Development Officers of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, Regional Secretariat, Nikaveratiya, Dr KD Nelum, Medical Officer of Health, Mrs MDK Dharmadasa, Nurse of Medical Health and PHI WHDE Hulugalla along with 50 students and parents of the Nikaveratiya area participated at the programme conducted by Colonel WMAM Nissanka, Coordinating Officer of Socio Economic and Welfare Coordinating Office for Rehabilitated Beneficiaries, Kurunegala and Mrs Iresha Sewwandi, Education Officer from National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.